Wellington Art Club Art Exhibition
Ryman Healthcare Rita Angus Village Art Expo 8/9/10 November 2024

Entries close Friday 25 October 2024
Terms & Conditions of Entry
All art forms are acceptable but entries must be hangable.
  • Entry is open to all life, honorary and financial members of the Wellington Art Club
  • Open theme
  • Limit per artist of 4 large artworks (no size limit) and 2 small artworks (max overall dimensions 300mm x 300mm for outside frame size)
  • Artwork must be original and not infringe copyright. Reproductions and art class work will not be accepted
  • Work must not have been exhibited at the same exhibition in the previous two years
  • Prints of original work are acceptable where presented as prints
  • Works will not be accepted where representatives of the committee determine that entry conditions have not been met. Their decision will be final
  • All works must be for sale
ENTRY FEES are non refundable
  • Entry fee $5.00 per large artwork, payable with entry
  • Entry fee $2.50 per small artwork, payable with entry NB: Max size limit for small entries 300mm x 300mm
  • Either, place entry form in green box in clubrooms, or email to wellingtonartclub@gmail.com
  • Entry fees for entries submitted on-line should be paid by direct credit on-line
  • Entry fees where entry form is delivered to the clubrooms may be paid on-line or accompany the entry form. No cheques will be accepted.
  • On-line payments to Wellington Art Club: 03-0578-0903273-00 Particulars: Your name, reference: Exhibition
  • Entry forms and payment must be received by Friday 25 October 2024
  • Well presented ‘unframed’ works offered for sale in the ‘unframed’ folder incur no entry fees, but commission will be payable.
  • Artwork is to be presented to a professional standard
  • All watercolour paintings must have a mat to separate the painting from the glass
  • All items must have D rings and hanging cord
  • Each artwork must have a SWING TAG showing artist name, title of work, medium, and price. This must correspond with the entry form.

Note: Tie the swing tag to a cord/string with 10cm hanging length. Tape the end of the cord to the back of the frame at top mid-point, so it can hang over to the front for cataloguing.


Artists are encouraged to email images of one or more of their entries. These may be used for advertising and promotional purposes.
JPG to be of publishable quality (approx. 1-2 MB)
Email photos by 25 October to: wellingtonartclub@gmail.com
Subject line: RA exhibition photos
Each JPG file to be named in following format: Jack Smith – South Coast (artist name – title)

Your artist profile is an up-to-date statement about yourself as an artist and viewable in a folder during exhibitions. It must fit on one A4 sheet. Include full contact details for prospective buyers. You can include details of your art experience, training, qualifications, awards, exhibition history, artistic motivation and include if you wish a photograph of yourself and your art works. Keep to a single A4 page. Email by 5pm Friday 25 October 2024 with subject line: Artist profile to wellingtonartclub@gmail.com
The exhibition organisers will take all reasonable care, but the Wellington Art Club and Ryman Healthcare will not be liable for any damage or loss of artwork during installation, display and de-installation of the exhibition.
Commission will be 15% of the selling price Commission is also due to the club on exhibited artworks sold within 14 days of the close of the exhibition
All artworks must be delivered to Rita Angus Village 66 Coutts Street Kilbirnie, Wellington between 9 am – 10 am on Friday 8 November 2024 Early or late deliveries will not be accepted
Unsold artworks must be collected between 4.00 – 4.30 pm on Sunday 10 November Please do not uplift artwork before 4.00 pm.


Malvina Major Retirement Village Art Show 16-18 June 2023

Art Showcase at Malvina Major next weekend 17 and 18 June. Come along and see some local art and support our club.

Rita Angus Retirement Village Art Showcase

Spring Exhibition 30 /31 October - 1 November 2020
26 paintings with a value of $8,295 were sold. The successful artists were Richard Acey, Annette Straugheir, Charlotte Hird, Denis Slowley, Dianne Taylor, Dora Bosma, Eric Dyne, Gary Abel, Graeme Calcott, Helen Wilson, Kim Barwell, Linda Smith, Mary Mitchell, Peter Bygraves, Phil Dickson, Richard Acey, Rita Quirk, Robyn Eastgate- Manning, Roger Buchanan, Sarah Wilson and Sheila Playford. Richard Acey, Elaine Kermode, Olive McAlister and Judith Royal also sold unframed works. Richard Acey, Sheila Playford, Annette Straugheir and Sarah Wilson were very successful with card sales. The club made a net profit from the exhibition of $2,287.92 derived from entry fees and commissions from sales, less minor costs. A donation of $221.75 was made to Ryman’s chosen charity in recognition of their provision of the exhibition facilities and the opening night reception.This year the donation went to Melanoma New Zealand.

Wellinton Art Club's Annual Spring Exhibition at 'Rita Angus' Village

22nd - 24th November 2019, 10am - 4pm
Entry Forms are required by Friday 8th November, 4 weeks before exhibition opening, to enable cataloguing and writing of captions. Delivery: between 9am – 10am, Friday 22nd of November Exhibition: Opening from Friday 5.30pm 22nd – 24th November Pick-up: from 4pm – 5pm Sunday, 24th November 2019 Rita Angus Sales 2019 Fifteen paintings with a value of $3,640 were sold. The successful artists were Roger Buchanan, Claire Clark, Eric Dyne, Charlotte Hird, Sue Johnson, Olympia Osborne, Rita Quirk, Vanda Safey, Denis Slowley, Linda Smith and Del Te Rito. Richard Acey, Sheila Playford, Judith Royal and Sudha Shenoy also sold unframed works, Phil Dickson again sold more copies of his wonderful book and Sheila Playford, Annette Straugheir and Judith Royal were successful with card sales. The club made a net profit from the event of $1,265, derived from entry fees and commissions from sales less minor costs. As is now customary, the club will provide 15% of this profit to Ryman’s chosen charity in recognition of their provision of the exhibition facilities and the opening night reception.

Malvina Major Autumn Exhibition - 14th, 15th, 16th of June

Spring Exhibition 30 /31 October - 1 November 2020

We had another very successful art exhibition at the Malvina Major Retirement Village back in June with 64 sales including cards. Results lists have been posted on the art club notice board for a few weeks now but I’ll enclose them in the newsletter for those who haven’t been able to get into the club.

We were able to afford two new ‘three panel’ screens for the exhibition this year which the van loading ‘muscle’ really appreciated; said it really cut the van loading down to half the time and made it so much easier overall. We’ll be all set for Rita Angus on the 22nd -24th of November and the two exhibitions next year.

Sarah Free, our patron (on right in photo below) expressed a wish to get a little more involved with the club when she has the time. I’ve met with her to discuss various ways that the committee thought might be useful, like replacing the two old plastic skylights that are on their last legs. We’ll wait and see, maybe it could be a project for next year?

Del Te Rito organised a very pleasant BYO luncheon on Saturday July the 13th. It was nice for the various groups to have a mid-winter catch up as they have traditionally done in the past.

Judy Langham



Abbreviated breakdown:

Including cards we had 64 sales and made a profit of over $2000!

Spring Exhibition at 'Rita Angus' 9th to 11th November 2018

President's Speech at the Opening

It gives me real pleasure to welcome you all here tonight, especially our patron, Councillor Sarah Free.

Personally I’m also thrilled to be welcomed here by Tracy Sprott. 20 years ago Tracy was the new young nurse who looked after my mother at the Shona McFarlane resthome in Lower Hutt. Mum was the first resident there after suffering a stroke and we all became quite close. Look how far Tracy has come now!

This year has run smoother than last year with less maintenance to worry about. However I would like to give thanks to my dedicated and hard working committee and not just for keeping things turning over while I was in India for the last two and a half weeks. Today was testament to their dedication with a massive 170 entries to hang and one collapsed screen! I thought we would never get the last caption up, but we got there in the end.

I would also like to pay a special thanks to our treasurer Jean who disrupted an important family visit to Auckland to come back specially to help with the exhibition. She returns to Auckland next week. Thanks very much Jean.

I would also like to thank Linda and Graeme for the use of the van, and Linda for driving it this year. Another thanks to Muso Nick Straugheir and all the people who helped with the screens and Charles Blades for helping with the hanging.

The Rhyman group deserve a big thank you for inviting us to exhibit every year and supporting us with free advertising, posters and refreshments.

I would also like to thank our other sponsors, New World, The life Pharmacy
Kilbirnie and Gordon Harris. Oh, by the way Rosemary Friedlander won the Gordon Harris lucky drawer for having all her entries in by the 2nd of November.

I would also like to pay a tribute to Prue Miller who initiated the desk calendar idea – you can see them on the desk, selling for only $10ea and we can take orders for more. Prue’s photography and contribution to the club was exceptional and while we knew she wouldn’t be here forever it was still sad when she and her partner moved to new jobs in Whangarei.


However when one door closes another one opens, as the saying goes and I’m thrilled to announce that we have gained 18 new members this year. I don’t know if many of you are here tonight or not, but I’ll read out all the names and perhaps you can raise your hand if you’re here so that we can welcome you…

S.Carchedi, Silvana Caradoc Evans, T.Dennison, Christina Earl, Michelle Freeborn, Jenny Hartley, Pantea Hendi, Graham Hill, Jenny Martin, Cathal McCloy, Tessa Mitchell, Kerry Montgomery, Alana Smyth, Neil Stewart, P M Tobin, Diana Treeborne, Christine Wren, Shen Yue.

Last but not least, I would like to thank our patron, Sarah Free for her support. There were many cold days last winter when you were quietly thanked for gifting us that extra heat pump and sometimes stifling hot days last summer, when we were able to turn on that lovely cool breeze. Thanks, Sarah.

And I now hand over to you to open this wonderful 2018 art exhibition…

Malvina Major Art Showcase

8th 9th 10th June 2018

The Wellington Art Club held its third exhibition at the Malvina Major Retirement Village in Khandallah where we sold 33 paintings, the same as last year! The paintings consisted of all media and all sizes, and were a was a selection of framed, unframed, block mounted and also a variety of cards.

A great time was had by all, particularly at the Friday night opening where bubbles flowed and platters of yummy food were plentiful. This event will certainly become an annual one in our calendar as the retirement village expressed their delight at the proceedings, saying they couldn’t be more pleased!

We were entertained by Nic Straugheir on guitar and Alfred Memelink on sax, many thanks for that, guys.

Do view the following photos… kindly taken by our resident photographer Prue Miller, (Thanks Prue!)

Wellington Art Club's Annual Spring Exhibition

The show is over and it’s back to our easels and paints. What a great venue Rita Angus Atrium is to display our art and such welcoming staff and residents. Thanks to all the helpers who set up the display stands, all the volunteers over the weekend and the artists for sharing their paintings; non Art Club members like Graeme who provides his van, our burley muscle men who drag those heavy screens into place, and Nic who played the music. Big Thank you!

Catherine Cordwell,sales Manager; Nina Lunn, Resthome Manager; Councillor Sarah Free, city councillor;
Judy Langham, Wellington Art Club President

The exhibition in November was a huge success. Rymans did a big advertisement for us using Annette’s “Red Poppies” on their flyer. 45 paintings were sold with buyers enjoying our artwork, saying that they now look for the Dominion Postposter and how well the advertising works. Our thanks to Shirley Sutton for her donation of artwork for our raffle which Chris Hampt on of Seatoun Arts and Crafts was thrilled to win.

Also, thanks to Nik and Phil of Rex Street Jazz for wonderful entertainment on Friday night’s opening. Sarah Free, Councillor opened the function. And, of course, we must add a huge thanks to those members who came and set up the exhibition – an amazing turnout and slick installation. We do it well – our members being mindful of the residents who live at Rita Angus, and they enjoy having us there for the weekend.

Wellington Art Club Annual Spring Exhibition at Rita Angus Retirement Village

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November

Another catch-up as time is moving too fast and it’s that time of the year to prepare for our “Spring
Exhibition” to be held in the atrium at Rita Angus Retirement Village.

Are your artworks all ready to submit? – yes? It’s our ‘ART SHOW’
and an opportunity for us artists to exhibit what we have enjoyed creating over time.
There may be new visitors to the exhibition so art from a previous time may be new to them.
Our art is impressive, colourful, and full of variety we are told over and over.

Must admit, I’m still attempting two more artworks myself! Thank goodness for ALKYD paints!
Appreciation this year to Shirley Sutton for the art piece she has donated for the annual raffle. Proceeds
of the raffle and hanging fees of artworks go towards our expenses – EFTPOS, advertising, printing of
flyers and, of course, the donation we make to Ryman’s annual charity, which this year is the
Neurological Foundation.

Linda Smith and I have met with Catherine Cordwell, sales advisor of Rita Angus, and she is excited
about us showing our art. I have sent photos of floral art from the club walls for use on the posters and
their marketing have chosen Annette Straugheir’s “Poppies”.

When I phoned the Mayor’s office earlier in the year, Celia Wade-Brown’s secretary was not taking
any bookings, so Sarah Free, Councillor, has accepted the invitation to open the exhibition.
We extend an invitation to Celia and I know she will come and catch up with us. We wish her all the
best and for what her future holds for her, and we thank her sincerely for all the past support she has
shown us, both before and after becoming Mayor of Wellington.

There will be invitations to hand out or send and we encourage all members to help to distribute them
please. Let’s get inviting.

Nik Straugheir: Rex Street Jazz will be jazzing up the evening at our opening and that is something not
to be missed so please come and enjoy.

See you all 6pm Friday 11th November and over the weekend 12th– 13th November.

Malvina Major Exhibition August 2016